Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Woods set to make public apology

On this day Tiger Woods finally spoke out about what he did. His speech was about 14 minutes long and it was the first time that he has spoken since his November car crash. He spoke to an audince of about 40 reporters and in his speech he apologized for the news that he made recently. Tiger was quoted saying, " know I have bitterly disappointed all of you... For all that I have done, I am so sorry..." No questions were allowed to be asked as they didn't feel that Tiger would want to talk about it more than he had to. After his speech, Tiger embraced his mother and others that were in attendence.

I was happy to hear that Tiger finally was able to talk about his past. It had to have been hard for him to stand up there and tell people about the things that he did wrong. I think that this is just one point on his way to playing golf again soon. I hope that he can get back to playing golf soon because he is the face of the sport and the tournaments don't have as much meaning if he isn't playing in them.

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