Monday, May 10, 2010

Holder: Pakistani Taliban helped direct Times Square plot

The man that was charged in result to the failed Times Square bombing was working with the Taliban movement in Pakistan. Attorney General Eric Holder says that evidence shows that the Pakistani Taliban directed the plot on Time Square. Faisal Shahzad was charged on May 1 for his attempted bombing. He attempted to set off a car bomb but the bomb failed to detonate. He was arrested while attempting to fly out of New York two days after the attempted bombing. Shahzad is a Pakistani-American and he had traveled to Pakistan many times in the last few years.

This is another bad sign for our country. We need to try to find a way for our country to stop terrorist attacks from happening to our country. It is sad that a person who is recognized as a United States citizen tries plot a terrorist attack on his own country. We should try to monitor the people who are US citizens but have ties to the Middle East. We need to watch these people carefully so that they don't turn on their current country like Faisal Shahzad did.

Unheralded Braden keeps making us believe this is his defining year

The most important thing to know about Dallas Braden is that he was never considered a talented prospect. He was the 1,383rd player taken in the 2004 draft. He wasn't known coming out of high school. He went to a small college in Sacramento where the coach didn't even know him from his high school career. He had a stellar year and he was good enough to play for Texas Tech. He impressed enough people that the Oakland A's drafted him. Braden might have only been drafted because he had the ability to throw a knuckball which is very rare in the game today. He was voted the minor league teams player of the year and yet he was only the 19th best prospect in the organization. One of the main reasons that Braden is in the big leagues and pitching well is because he believes that he belongs in the league. He has struggled though the fact that his mom died when he was a senior in high school. He lived with his grandmother and Braden said that if she hadn't influenced him like she did, he would have probably ended up in jail.

This is a great story for the MLB and for everyone who believes they can achieve when others think that they can't. This show that with hard work and the confidence that you can do it, a person can achieve just about anything. It is a great story in that Braden was never looked at as a great pitcher. He was average at best and he worked hard and he believed in himself that he could pitch in the major leagues. Now he will be remembered forever because he is now one of only nineteen pitchers in the history of the MLB to throw a perfect game. This should give him even more confidence and maybe other people will finally start to believe that he does belong in the MLB and that he will be a great pitcher for many years to come.

Friday, May 7, 2010

April Jobs report: Best gain in four years

The month of April showed the greatest increase in the amount of jobs in a long time. There was a gain of 290,000 jobs for the month. It was the largest amount of jobs added to the labor force since March 2006. This increase in jobs is higher than what economists expected which was a gain of 187,000 jobs for the month. With this new increase in jobs the economy has added jobs in five of the last six months after not adding any jobs for two years.

This is a great sign for our economy. This might be an indicator that our economy is finally coming out of the recession. This means that more people will be able to get jobs because there are now more jobs available. Since more people are working our unemployment rate will go down.